Advanced Line Ultimate TW Spiegelschrank milieu detail.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf cover top underside.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf cover top upper side.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf view below.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf membrane keypad.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf side black.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Spiegelschrank milieu detail.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf cover top underside.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf cover top upper side.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf view below.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf membrane keypad.
Advanced Line Ultimate TW Mirror cabinet shelf side black.

Mirror cabinet

Schneider ADVANCED Line Ultimate TW

Optimal lighting, unparalleled radiance: the indirect arc of light radiated by the Schneider ADVANCED Line Ultimate TW mirror cabinet casts your reflection in a natural, glare-free light. Ideal for a spa vibe, a sense of wellbeing, and shadow-free skin care and make-up application.

Tunable White
Tunable White
Adjustable light colour – from warm candlelight to cold make-up light.
Direct light
Direct light
Direct light shines on the beholder and illuminates the face.
Indirect light
Indirect light
Glare-free light radiates upwards or downwards.
Recessed mounting
Recessed mounting
The mirror cabinet can be installed in the wall for less protrusion.
Continuously adjustable glass shelf
Continuously adjustable glass shelf
The beloved Schneider system featuring continuously adjustable glass shelves.

Other advantages:

  • Swiss made
  • Sustainability
  • Dimmable
  • Mounting frame
  • Hinges and dampers