About this website
Operator of the domain name www.wschneider.com:
W. Schneider+Co AG
Büntenrietstrasse 12
CH-8890 Flums, Switzerland
Tel.: +41 81 552 25 25
Email: info.ch@wschneider.com
Commercial register of the canton of St. Gallen; Commercial register no. CH-020.3.923.443-6
Registered office: CH-8890 Flums
VAT number: CHE-103.177.836 VAT
Managing Director: Daniela Koch
Online dispute resolution pursuant to Art. 14 par. 1 of Regulation (EU) no. 524/2013 ("ODR Regulation"): At ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/ the European Commission provides a platform for online dispute resolution.
We do not take part in a dispute resolution process before an arbitration board. However, the law on alternative dispute resolution in consumer matters requires that we nevertheless designate a dispute resolution tribunal for you: Allgemeine Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle des Zentrums für Schlichtung e. V., Strassburger Str. 8, DE-77694 Kehl, Internet: www.verbraucher-schlichter.de
Schneider has the exclusive right of use for all product information. All texts, images, graphics, illustrations, video and animation files are subject to copyright law and other laws pertaining to the protection of intellectual property. Without the prior authorisation by Schneider and/or the corresponding copyright holder respectively, no contents from this page may be copied, distributed or published whatsoever.
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Scharlachrot AG
Binzstrasse 23
CH-8045 Zürich